Monday, October 27, 2008

Humpty Dumpty (don't google it)


there are some really scary humpty dumpty's out there....


Since I haven't found my camera ....yet....

Here is a picture of Humpty(a cute one) instead of my boys....

or this one...

and their Humpty Dumpty eggs. ...the Kindergartener's had a very special day last Friday. They ended their Mother Goose Studies with a bang! They each got to bring an egg to school to drop from the roof of the school. They got to wrap it in whatever they wanted to protect it from breaking.

It was 25 minutes before the bus was to come....when I remembered that it was the Humpty Dumpty day...OOPS....and we weren't ready!

Well, I do best under pressure... so at the table I threw a bunch of things for the boys to decide what to wrap their eggs in...

Seth decided to empty a square kleenex box and take out all the kleenex and then restuff it with the egg in the middle...

Luke took a tea box and filled it with cheap marshmallows (don't buy the cheap ones) and put the egg in the middle and taped the box....

They both wrote their names on a card and we taped it on the top..threw them in the backbacks and made the bus! whew! Both eggs survived the fall! I wish I had pictures...Oh Well


JoeFlyer said...
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JoeFlyer said...

Experimented with delete...And, Where's that camera, dang it?!?!?


Anonymous said...

Dad wondered if that meant that all the kings men got laid off for lack of work?