Tuesday, September 18, 2007


So....I work in a hotel and there are a lot of things (I call them phenomenons) that happen to me that can easily be turned into a ghost story for the kids...I'm sure I can tell them better than I can write them...so I won't even try...I'll just say what the phenomenon is and not elaborate like I would usually do...here are a couple of them.......

One of the elevators is very sensitive and sometimes re-opens after it has closed while you are waiting to go up or down...(that is the best one)

When walking down the hall...you may experience hot or cold spots.....yikes

Things come up missing from my cart...

I was telling my husband that my eyes were getting worse....(they have been getting blurring since I was 39 and a half)...I told him that while I was at work, one of the side doors opened and the person coming in was totally blurry....I couldn't believe it had gotten that bad.....so blurry I couldn't tell what the person looked like...

My husband said...."maybe it was a ghost".......