Thursday, April 10, 2008

is it wrong to pay a kid to read a book?

have you read this series of books is sooo romantic!

I read all 3 in a week...(I work a graveyard shift) and they let us read...

THE MOVIE IS CURRENTLY BEING FILMED RIGHT HERE IN PORTLAND! I am so excited! It will be soo good! I also found tons of websites and message boards devoted to the books...I am not usually into those...but I am totally caught up...

My teenage son (16) is on the 5th chapter....he is only reading it because I am paying him...I won't tell you how much.....but it is worth it! Is that wrong?


StevenB said...

No it's not wrong...then again my children aren't born yet so my parenting skills are still dormant. I wish my parents paid me to read...maybe I could have gone to Harvard?!? lol.

janet said...

He says he hates reading and I think that is the only way he would read this really great book! He is on chapter 12!

Anonymous said...

Sherise had the book here last week when they were visiting, she said it was realllllly good. I started to read it but they had to go home, so there went the book. I shall go to Barns &Noble. Mom

Katie said...

I bought that book a few months ago and I'm excited to read it. I've only heard good things. haven't gotten around to it yet...but maybe if someone was to pay me...