Tuesday, April 29, 2008

What does it mean when your husband....

has his own toothpaste hidden from you?
I found it and have been using it anyway...

I am a monkey....

and haven't retained how to retrieve pictures from a new program we have.............

Here is Daddy teaching Mommy how to use it....

The 16 year old is on chapter 12 of twilight!

I read all 3 books already and get them mixed up in what happened...I asked Jake..."Did you know that Jacob was a ____________? and he said "no, thanks, MOM"......I guess that is in the 2nd book....

this morning I looked in the mirror and I looked just like......

Mo from the 3 stooges....( not good)

my eyes were puffy from allergies....I've been working a lot lately and I've been using cheap shampoo....so my hair was laying flat...

I have to get my passport photo today....I hope I pull it together...

Thursday, April 10, 2008

the kids just went to Subway...

click below...(poor Abe....that is just wrong..)


I stayed home...I told them to get me one...I told them to surprise me..yikes...

is it wrong to pay a kid to read a book?

have you read this series of books yet...it is sooo good...so romantic!

I read all 3 in a week...(I work a graveyard shift) and they let us read...

THE MOVIE IS CURRENTLY BEING FILMED RIGHT HERE IN PORTLAND! I am so excited! It will be soo good! I also found tons of websites and message boards devoted to the books...I am not usually into those...but I am totally caught up...

My teenage son (16) is on the 5th chapter....he is only reading it because I am paying him...I won't tell you how much.....but it is worth it! Is that wrong?

check out Luke's ingenious face shield...

he took it off a toy turtle...anyone have a caption for this?

Jack in the sun.....

It is kind of sunny today....

I said "Jack let's go outside".....he followed me to the backyard....he then realized I was taking pictures of him and decided to go back in the house.....

kind of perturbed....

that's better....then he left...

one way to win rubiks cube.....

is to peel the stickers off....I never thought of that!

who thought of that?

cool.......... (Seth)

The 6th grader's....

have a cool project at school called "Night of the Notables"...for a couple weeks they do a report on someone famous (3x5 cards and all) and then they have a special night where they dress up as that person.

All the 6th graders form a huge circle in the auditorium and the parents go around to each kid and ask questions and then guess who they are....you are only to ask yes and no questions....It is pretty funny...
I could get the kids to tell me who they were with just one question...."How do you pronounce your name?" and immediately they told me who they were....hahahha

Joe and Elizabeth (twins) as Howard Hughes and Sally Ride!

for some stupid reason I get Howard Hughes and Hugh Heffner mixed up....I don't know how many times I called him Hugh Heffner....geeez

I thought this was cool.....

They were only there for a couple minutes....

Here is a close up....OMgosh...I can't believe it.....do I have Jiffy Devil's food cake mix in there...and frosting....? that makes me very happy...

someone is in pain....

I have been tempted to.....

tell the bishop at church on Sunday that "there is a Honda Odyssey in the parking lot with its lights on." and then he would announce it over the pulpit and about 10 people would start to get up and look at each other....

but I won't...