Monday, January 21, 2008

the other day....

Luke sat on the couch....which is full of clothes and this heart blanket fell on top of him....I laughed and said "it's a valentine avalanche!" That just popped in my head...and I thought... what a great title of a poem....(OF COURSE, I couldn't come up with the rest of the poem) I told the kids "whoever writes the poem, I will give them some money(I won't tell you how much )"....only one of the kids actually did is below...

google "valentine avalanche" ..... Joe's poem pops up....

the other thing that comes up....a Pastors blog:
Holidays have about them an emotional tyranny; you can hardly avoid them. On this day, my 2 cents to those who ache at the Valentine avalanche is that you are just right the way you are. You were made in the image of God. You are beautiful without being told so by another.

if you have a something about "valentine avalanche".....